Hi! I'm

Aishat Adewoyin

FullStack Developer, BackEnd Engineer, Mobile Developer, Digital Marketer
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Little About Me

Back End Engineer, Mobile Developer

Hi! I'm Aisha, a passionate and driven software engineer with a focus on backend software development and mobile app development. I have a strong foundation in languages such as C, Python, JavaScript, Swift, React Native, and PHP

I enjoy diving into the intricacies of backend systems, creating efficient and scalable solutions that power the core functionality of applications. Additionally, I find great satisfaction in crafting engaging user experiences through mobile app development.

With a keen eye for detail and a problem-solving mindset, I strive to build robust and high-performing software solutions. I am well-versed in leveraging various tools and technologies to streamline development processes and optimize code efficiency. Constantly keeping up with the latest industry trends, I am eager to expand my knowledge and skills to stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

Feel free to reach out if you have any question, ideas, or if you'd like to collaborate on an exciting project. Let's build amazing software together!"

Full Name: Aishat Adeladun Adewoyin
Degree: Bachelors
Experience: 2 Years
Phone: +234 706 756 4895
Email: aishatadewoyin@icloud.com
Address: Abuja, Nigeria
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Languages, Frameworks & Libraries

CSS (Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap 5, SASS)
Javascript (ReactJS)
Python (Django)
NodeJS, ExpressJS
Swift / React Native
C Programming


My Portfolio Gallery

  • All
  • front-End Development
  • Back-End Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Digital Marketing


My Services

Front End Development

I create captivating user interfaces and seamless user experiences. With expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript(ReactJS), I craft visually appealing and responsive websites, ensuring optimal performance across different devices. Let me bring your digital vision to life with my front-end development skills.

Back End Development

Providing robust backend development services, I build scalable and efficient server-side solutions. With expertise in languages such as Python, JavaScript, C# and frameworks like Django, NodeJS and .NET, I develop secure and great-performance APIs, database management systems, and server logic. Let's empower your application with a reliable and powerful backend infrastructure.

Mobile Development

Unlocking the potential of iOS platforms, I offer comprehensive iOS development services. With a strong command of Swift and React Native, and a deep understanding of the iOS ecosystem, I create captivating and feature-rich mobile applications that seamlessly integrate with the Apple ecosystem. From concepts to App Store deployment, I am dedicated to delivering engaging and intuitive iOS experiences that captivate users.


Boost your online presence and drive organic traffic with my SEO services. With expertise in keyword research, on-page optimization, and content strategy, I optimize your website to rank higher in search engine results. By implementing SEO best practices, I improve your website's visibility, increase targeted traffic, and help you reach your digital marketing goals. Let's optimize your online success through effective SEO strategies.

Content Writing & Creation

As a skilled content writer and creator, I specialize in crafting captivating articles, blog posts, website copy, and social media content. With a deep understanding of target audiences and effective storytelling techniques, I deliver high-quality, SEO-friendly content that resonates with readers and drives engagement. Let's bring your brand's voice to life and create impactful content that connects with your audience.


With a passion for teaching, I provide personalized tutoring services to beginner programmers. My goal is to help you grasp complex concepts, improve your understanding, and excel in your software development journey. I adapt my teaching methods to suit your individual learning style, creating a positive and encouraging environment for growth. Whether you need assistance in programming fundamentals or guidance in development, I'm here to empower you on your educational journey. Let's build a strong foundation and fuel your passion for coding.


Reach out to me via social media or email


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